Book Review

Book Review #23: AngelFall by Susan Ee

For our AngelFall review we had our friend Amy from as our guest 🙂

Angelfall is a post-apocalyptic book where earth is overrun by angels. So don’t expect the angels to be your usual benign creatures, they’re not. They’re the ones that have brought earth into chaos; they are the monsters that are feared during daylight and have all the humans fighting for their survival, including Penryn, her mom and little sister. Even though these angels have brought destruction among earth, Penryn still finds some compassion in her heart and saves an angel being brutally attacked by other angels. By doing so, the attacking angels retaliate by kidnapping her little sister. Penryn and the disgraced angel join forces in a quest to recover her little sister and the angel’s fallen wings.

Overall, this was an action packed book with an incredible beginning that grips you immediately. The main character, Penryn, may not have any supernatural powers but she is still kicks ass. Love the chemistry between her and Rafael (the fallen angel), but most of all loved her very troubled mom. The author created a very emotional and complicated relationship between Penryn and her mom that made this book quite different from your run of the mill distopian books. AngelFall is a trilogy and all 3 books are already out. So if you’re a completist, you’re all set to go 🙂

Happy reading!

<3 Izzie

About Author

Andrea is the designer half of the sister-duo Dapper Animals. She likes to start her day handlettering and end it reading a book. She's also an art supply hoarder and when she has time she goes mountain biking on the one or two hills in Miami. She is also the Founder of Vintage Unicorn - a design studio.

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